Friday, November 11, 2011


It was midnight in the city of Medina. Most city residents are sleeping. A tall, well-built middle-aged slow journey scour the streets of the city. He tried not to miss any of his observations. Toward dawn, balding man is tired and decides to rest. Accidentally, there came to him a conversation between a mother and daughter from the house near her rest."Son, mix the milk with water before milking you," the mother said. "Do not mother. Commander of the faithful have made the rule not to sell milk mixed with water, "replied the boy."But a lot of people do it kid, mix a little bit. After all, God willing, Commander of the Faithful do not know, "said his mother tried to convince her. "Mother, Commander of the Faithful may not know it. But, the Lord of the Commander of the Faithful must have seen it, "said the boy refused.Hearing this conversation, this man berurailah tears. Since the dawn approached, haste him to the mosque to lead morning prayers. Arriving at the house, dipanggilah son to face and said, "O son of Umar bin Khattab Ashim. In fact last night I was privileged to hear the conversation. You go up to the house so and investigate his family. "Asim bin Umar carried out the orders of his father who is none other than Umar ibn Khattab, the second Caliph of the title Commander of the Faithful. Upon returning from the investigation, he faces his father and heard his father say, "Go and meet them. Lamarlah her daughter to be your wife. I saw God willing, he will give a blessing to you and your descendants child. Hopefully he can also give offspring that will become the leader of the nation. "So, marry Asim bin Umar bin Khattab with these girls. From this marriage, Umar bin Khattab endowed granddaughter named Laila, later known as Ummi Ashim.One night after, Umar dream. In his dream he saw a young man of his descendants, named Omar, with his forehead with disabilities due to injury. This young man led the Muslims like him leading the Muslims. The dream is told only his family alone. When Umar died, the story was buried in the family.Sepeninggalan profanity race Imam Ali bin Abi TalibUmmi Ashim is an obedient daughter and intelligent. He attended the funeral of Commander of the Faithful Umar bin Khattab, who was murdered in the year 644 AD it. That year ending Umar Caliphate was amazing.Ummi Ashim underwent 12 years of Caliphate Ustman bin Affan up murdered in AD 656 after rejecting bloodbath to solve domestic problems.Ummi Ashim also witnessing bloody chaos 5 years Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib to Siti Aisyah and Abu Sufyan ibn Muawiyah. Until finally Muawiyah ruling Umayyads and established a caliphate system replaces previous policies.Substitution government system is greatly impacted the Islamic State at that time. Because of its familiarity, then unlock the potential injustice to happen. Rulers began to rule in luxury. It never existed and is exemplified in the days of the Caliphate and the time of the Prophet himself.After ruling luxurious, other diseases began to grow and blossom. The ambition of power and strength, wealth accumulation, and corruption in the history of Islam coloring Umayyads. Expanded state, the population increased, developing science and technology, but people increasingly yearn ukhuwah brotherhood, justice and modesty Ali, Uthman, Umar and Abu Bakr. Status rich-poor start to look clear-official position of the people began to be felt. Infidels dhimni resahnya also complained, 'We missed Umar, he came here and asked how our business. He also asked whether there are laws against us. We willingly pay taxes whatever he wants. Now, we pay taxes out of fear. "When Muawiyah himself as caliph after the martyrdom of Imam Ali RA, there are still many who are not sincere swear himself. Muawiyah ruled patiently to avoid further bloodshed. However, tucked into his heart to continue the Umayyad dynasty of Abu Sofyan family. For that, she was the allegiance of his son Yazid ibn Muawiyah became his successor.Muawiyah action is the beginning of the Umayyad dynasty catastrophe he himself created. Yazid was not a proper amir. Legalized injustice and most regrettable actions are killing companions Apostles and his grandson Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib. Menggenaskan Yazid died three days after he was killed Hussein.Children of Yazid, Muawiya ibn Yazid, known as a worship. He realized the mistake his grandfather and his father and refused to replace his father. He chose to go and empty throne Umayyad dynasty. Fight ensued among the children of Umayyad rule. Abdullah bin Zubeir, a friend of the main Messenger amirul nominated to become believers. However, Marwan bin Hakam delivering cunning, the sons of the Umayyad family Hakam, to fill the vacant position and continue the dynastic system. Marwan bin Hakam led for ten years more and more despotic than Yazid.Birth of Umar bin Abdul AzizAt that time, Umm Asim was married to Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan. Abdul Aziz was governor of Egypt in the era of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan (685-705) who is his brother. Abdul Malik bin Marwan was a pious Islamic jurists and commentators, as well as the good king in spite of the problems inherited by his father ummah (Marwan bin Hakam) time.Of the marriage, was born Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Umar lived in palaces and luxurious environment. When young Umar had an accident. Accidentally kicked a stallion that was ripped to the bone brow brow look. Everyone panicked and cried, except Abdul Aziz immediately gasped and smiled. As Umar treat minor injuries, he said, "Cheer thee, O Umm Asim. InsyaAllah Umar dream come true, he was the son of Umayyad descent that will fix this nation. "Umar dream finally became a reality, Islam peaked during the golden age of leadership Umar bin Abdul Aziz. There is a lot of history and athar the friends that tell about the glory and favor keluruhan Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Among them are:1) At-Tirmidhi narrated that Umar bin Khattab had said: "From my son (zuriatku) would be born to a man who like it in terms of courage and will memenuhkan world with justice."2) From Zaid bin Aslam that free Anas bin Malik said, "I was never a priest behind the congregation after the death of the Prophet Muhammad which is equal prayer praying priest rather than the Prophet Muhammad Umar bin Abdul Aziz and he at that time was the governor of Medina. '3) Al-Waleed bin Muslim narrate that free a man from Khurasan has said: "I have several times heard the voice came in my dream, which reads:" If a brave man from Bani Marwan appointed as Caliph, give allegiance to him because he is a leader who fair ". "Then I look forward to that Umar bin Abdul Aziz became Caliph, I'd get it and give allegiance to him."4) Qais bin Jabir said: "Comparison of Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the side of Bani Ummayyah as the believers in the family of Pharaoh."5) Hassan al-Qishab has said: "I saw a wolf bred with a bunch of goats in the time of Caliph Umar ibn Aziz."6) Umar bin Asid has said: "By Allah, 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz had not died so comes a man with a property that accumulated and the man said to the people:" Take my treasure which is as much as you want ". But no one will accept it (as all are rich) and indeed Umar has made people rich. "7) 'Atha' has said: "Umar bin Abdul Aziz brought together fuqaha 'every night. They were remembered commemorate amongst each other about death and qiamat days, then they are both crying out of fear of punishment of Allah as though there remains between them. "

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