Saturday, November 5, 2011


FAR, not many modern scientists familiar with the works of Muslim intellectuals who could describe in a comprehensive and objective assessment of heritage science. Pahadal, it has contributed greatly to the intellectual world of the West.
In the constellation of world civilization, Islam not only contribute knowledge to the West, but Islam also bridging or linking science as well as the savior of civilization Persia, Greece to the European world (West). Islamic golden age (the Golden Age of Islam) is outentik evidence that has opened the eyes of the world's history that it hosts a number of science translated from Greek and Persian references to Islam.
According to Mehdi Nakosteen, as stated in his research work entitled "History of Islamic Origins of Western Education AD 800-1350; With an Introduction to Medieval Muslim Education "argued that culture and science are so complex classical assimilated into Islamic culture. Similarly, Muslim intellectual spirit in the process of interaction and cultural assimilation is reaching a peak and then gradually subsided and gave rise to the rise of Western civilization. In this context, Islam then be joined in the procession 'cornerstone' of cultural buildings and modern civilization.
With great care, accompanied by systematic and scientific evidence, Nokosteen explained that the advancement of education and science in Islam is sustained by a spirit of scholasticism, unlike in science education and the Christian West. Subsequent developments, the results of this scholasticism in the hands of Latin Christian theologian-scholars, especially those trying to bring together and combine Greek philosophy, especially Aristotelianism and Neo-Platonism with the doctrine of the Church, St. peak period. Thomas Aquinas. While trying to bring Muslim scholasticism Greco-Hellenistic ideas with Muslim religious doctrine, reaching a peak in the time of al-Ghazali.
Sebagimana frequently mentioned in the literature of the history of Islam, that Islamic science impressive progress during the "Middle Ages" is by creative people like al-Kindi, al-Razi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, until Omar Khayyam, and others more. Islamic knowledge has been investigated in medical science, technology, mathematics, geography and even history. Everything is done in the framework of religious and scholasticism.
Islam produces so fast science is a form of Islam that drives the nature of the culprit to be creative, dynamic. But on the other hand, it seems progress is challenged, which is a reaction that assumes that Islam was perfect on everything, also referred to as the emergence of an ideology finalistik. Consequently, freethinking become obstructed, intellectual stagnation becoming increasingly common, and blind taqlid became very dominant in the history of Islam.
After that, there are some crusader Islamic caliphate and burned its libraries and silencing intellectuals, while the other scribes and booksellers proud to serve as the library and make it a center of science education for the general public. In practice, further development of science gradually run to the Western world. While in Islam, his people are experiencing the joy of the world of spiritualism are partial and typically it.
At the decline of Islam, the world of European (Western) was the incessant invasion of Islam, especially in science and political power. Thus, political Islam, suffered many defeats on the Western invasion. One by one Muslim country which had been the central science center and fell into the arms of the West. And the only remaining former rubble living memory.

What is the picture above, is the beginning of what is called the century renaissance in Europe. An era of tremendous change for the development of science and technology in Europe. Even the style of science that was once the value of gold in the world of Islam, had belonged to the Western world. Works by many Muslim scholars translated back into their language. Similarly, when Muslims to translate the works of Persian and Greek manuscripts.
The triumph of Islam who became a golden cage, has been unmatched by Europe (West), and even a step further. Especially after the discovery of the steam engine spawned the industrial revolution in Europe. Shipbuilding technology and the rapidly growing military, trade and maritime center is strategically located in its power. Even without a hitch, the Islamic countries falls under the Western powers.
However, according to some Muslim thinkers say that Islam remains a creative and progressive throughout the freedom of thought and investigation can match fatalism. Throughout Islam considers that the world is an open book to be read and understood by everyone. If the elements of fanaticism and orthodoxy embedded in scholasticism, so he can not give the real effect. And when the dynamic elements and liberal surrender to total adherence to orthodoxy and changed into submission on the concepts of destiny and Nasip, and defeat the spirit of investigation, innovate and create, the torch has been handed over to the European Renaissance of Islam.
*) Mujtahid, Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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