Monday, November 7, 2011


Oh well .. I'm useless to try harder, it is my destiny ...
For what menda'wahkan Islamic Ummah to fix?!the fact that the Muslims have now slumped God-given destiny ...
All the suffering we've written in lawh al-Mahfouz,so even though we continue to fight to change the misguidance, nothing will change!
It is the hand line so and so to be preachers who understand religion,while I am a businessman hand lines,therefore it is not my business to convey Islam ..
Rizki was in the hands of God, everything is determined before we are born in the world,so do not worry about the fortune, if that fortune is ours,he will come even if we are not working on it ...
My failure was not my fault, it was the destiny of the Almighty ...
Words often limit human destiny of doing the best of him, to be the best, and change something that is in front of him. This word seems to be legitimate for someone to do a minimalist activity and a reason, especially for the Muslims to avoid and evade God calls them.
Misperceptions of the concept of destiny usually starts from someone not exactly mean three things pertaining to God, that God Sciences, the Will of God and lawh al-Mahfouz. Those who believe are wrong about the concept of destiny feel that what they do and what happens in the world is known as an all-knowing God, is willed by God Wills as well as it is written in al-Mahfouz lawh. So as a human being, being limited, they are forced to be in a state that is already determined by the Almighty. And those three things, the Science of God, the Will of Allah and al-Mahfouz lawh should not ever dicampuradukan with a discussion of destiny, because no one knows the science of God, what God wills for him, and did not know what was written in the lawh al-Mahfouz.
There is an illustration of the Age, was a thief who was caught Islamic rule was prosperous future-prime. The thief is being processed by a judge. Then the thief said defensively, "O lord judge, it is not appropriate to punish my lord", he continued "because what I do is in fact already known by God and God let (permit), and verily Allah is He who wills the occurrence of theft this, and we all know, in fact lawh al-Mahfouz had written all our activities ranging from birth until we meet death, including the theft had actually written in the book, so it is not appropriate host sentencing judge me, because this action is not because of my will. " The judge then think about it, after a long think eventually he took the decision to punish the thieves. "Well, put him into the prison cell", he said. The thief lord protested to the judge with a lengthy explanation before, the point is that theft is not his will but the will of God, or is his fate. The judge also said calmly "I actually do not want to punish you, but what's more, it is also the will of God, and in lawh al-Mahfouz has also been written on this day and this time I'll pull you in prison!"
The above illustration gives us clarity, that the thief tried to confuse the science of God, the Will of God and lawh al-Mahfouz in the discussion of fate, that the discussion of fate becomes chaotic. And even today there are many groups and individuals who misunderstand the concept of destiny, so termasuklah them into the fatalist, the people who think that people like a leaf tossed randomly on the surface of the water, in other words, people do not have the option of directing their lives. The fatalist considers human entry into heaven or into hell actually been determined since the beginning, and people do not have the power to change it.
So, if we want to have an effective and productive thinking, should we should not confuse the discussion with Science providence of God, the Will of God and lawh al-Mahfouz. We do not doubt that the God must know everything that happens in the world that he created, he also knows all the deeds of His servants, we have done well, we are making and we intend to do. And we also know that whatever happens is God's will must be on this earth. We also believe that all our actions from birth to death had actually written lawh al-Mahfouz. But all that does not mean we can not choose what we do. For example, God already knows and wishes you read this article. in lawh al-Mahfouz was already written, on this clock so you read up on the discussion of this destiny. But also remember that when you are on this website you are able to choose freely whether this article or any other article you read. In other words, you have the option to do something, pick something and be something. Free will or the opportunity to choose which God gave to man that eventually gave birth to a logical consequence, the man responsible for acts chosen by him. Accountability in the hereafter we call the procession reckoning. In the world is, naturally, when we held accountable for what they choose.
In an individual, other than acts or events that can be selected and be in control of people to choose, there are incidents where people have no choice over it, and it's forced upon man, as well as already established by man, either he likes or not, for example, humans would die, she has the ability to give birth, men have a tendency to women, the sun rises from the east and sets in the west, natural disasters and others. In this case, God does not leave room for people to choose from, so no matter what happens, people do not need or will not be held accountable for what happened, because it can not be chosen. In the world can you not be held accountable for things that you can not choose. For example, no one asks you why you are a man? or ask you, why the sun rises from the east? Why do people die?. Again, in the case that we can not choose, we will not be held accountable for what is happening to us and to others.
It is simply, the events that occur in humans can be divided into two parts. The first part is an event that occurs in human beings that can be selected, the second part is an event that occurs in human beings that can not be selected or forced to happen upon it. In the first part, we can choose to act or event as we want, because that event would be held accountable. This means, to be diligent or lazy, become a mandate or a traitor, became a hot-tempered or patient, or membangkangnya obedience is something we can choose.
While in the second, we are forced to accept the situation and was not given a choice, this is what we call destiny. And the fate or regulations given to us, good or burauknya according to us, then we shall mengimaninya, and believe that it is best for us comes from God Almighty. Practice in everyday life, if something happens to us or to others, and it can not be chosen, then we should not protest or complain excessively, and must not blame yourself for what happened. Because it all comes from God, the One who gives great determination, and what was given by him would have been good.
Following this discussion, we realized that we should not blame fate for the events that we can actually choose. What happened in the past, maybe some of them are included in the terms that we can choose. The future is also true we can choose, whether you want to be?

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