Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Wonders of the Qur'an in terms of its content has been much written about and known, but the magic views of how the Koran was written / compiled probably not many people know. The non-Muslims particularly the western orientalists often alleged that the Qur'an is made by Muhammad. And if we read the Qur'anic verse which states challenge to unbelievers in particular to make the book / book like the Qur'an where it is unlikely to be able to do even if jinn and men come together to make it.

This brief paper aims to present some of the wonders of the Qur'an in terms of how the Qur'an was written, and also indirectly to deny the allegations, which Muhammad as a human being is not possible to make or create a Qur'an. The view of science is conventionally placed mathematics as a principled from a branch of knowledge which emphasized reason, emotions are not involved, the certainty of a thing he wanted to know, and the truth of today is the truth forever.

In matters of religion, scientists consider that all religions are equal, because all religions are equally unable to verify or justify the truth through evidence acceptable to the logic. So one thing to say if there is valid evidence, and evidence is an established procedure to prove the reality of the invisible through a process of deduction and conclusion that the end result is acceptable to all parties.

With that in mind, this paper attempts to bring the reader to the conclusion that the Qur'an is written according to the rules of mathematics, is clear evidence that the Qur'an is truly the word of God, and not made by the Prophet Muhammad. It would also direnungi worth what was said by Galileo (1564-1642 AD) that. "Mathematics is the language in roomates God wrote the universe (Mathematics is the language used to write the Lord of this universe)" is true. Truth mathematical language will be discussed briefly in addition to the main theme of this paper.

Amazing Figures of few words in the Qur'an

If we open the Koran and we noticed a few words in the Qur'an and calculate how many times the word is mentioned in the Qur'an, we will get a pretty amazing thing. Maybe we ask, how long does it take to find and count. With advances in technology, especially computers, it is not a problem. Table 1 presents the frequency of mention of some important words in the Qur'an which we are familiar in everyday life.

Based on the table there are some lessons that can be learned. For example, the word "dunya" and "Hereafter" mentioned in the Qur'an with the same frequency, we can interpret that God told mankind to observe both this world and the Hereafter life in balance. That is the life of the world and the hereafter is equally important to Muslims. Furthermore, the mention of the word "malaaikat" and "syayaathiin" is also mentioned in a balanced way. This may indicate that good reflected by the word "malaaikah" will always be offset by the presence of evil is reflected by the word "syayaathiin". Another thing we can also examine in some other word pairs.

Table 1. Number mention some important word in the Qur'an

Source: From the Numeric Miracles in the Holy Qur'an by Suwaidan,

Some other words that draw from the table is the word "shahr (month)" is mentioned 12 times in the show that the number of months in a year is 12, and the word "yaum (days)" is mentioned 365 times as much as that show the number of days in a year was 365 days. Further word "ocean (water)" is mentioned 32 times, and the word "land" mentioned in the Qur'an 13 times. If we add these two numbers we get the number 45.

Now we do the following calculation:

· The percentage of the search word "bahr (sea)" the total number of words (bahr and barr) we get:
(32/45) x100% = 71.11111111111%

· The percentage of the search word "barr (land)" the total number of words (bahr and barr) we get:
(13/45) x100% = 28.88888888889%

We'll get that Allah in the Qur'an 14 centuries ago stating that the percentage of water on earth is 71.11111111111%, and the percentage of land is 28.88888888889%, and this is the real ratio of the water and land on earth.

Al Qur'an Designed By Numbers 19

Segment Finger Hand Numbering 19

In relation to the questions that are mathematically that has only one definite answer, so if there are some mathematicians, who responded in different times and places and by using a different method, then the course will get the same answer. In other words, a mathematical proof is not affected by time and space. Please note that of all the scriptures that exist in this world, the Qur'an is the only holy book that is written entirely in the original. With regard to evidence, the truth of the Qur'an as the revelation of God is often said by the West as Muhammad's creation, can be proved mathematically that the Qur'an can not be created by Muhammad. Is an American biochemist and an Egyptian Muslim scientist, Dr. Rashad Khalifa who first discovered the mathematical system in the Quran design. He began researching the mathematical composition of the Qur'an in 1968, and put the Quran into the computer system in 1969 and 1970, passed by translating the Holy Qur'an into English in the early 70s. He challenged for answers to explain the initials on a few letters in the Qur'an (such as Alif Lam Meme) are often given an explanation only with "only God knows the meaning". With this challenge, he started his research in depth on these initials after entering the text of the Qur'an into a computer system, with the main objective mathematical look for patterns that might explain the importance of these initials. After several years of research, Dr. Khalifa published its first findings in a book titled "MIRACLE OF THE QURAN: Significance of the Mysterious Aphabets" in October 1973 to coincide with Ramadan 1393. In the book just reported that there initials on some letters in the Qur'an has the highest number of letters (the highest proportion) for each letter, rather than the other letters. For example, the letter "Qaf" (S No.. 50) that starts with the initials "Qaf" contains the letter "Qaf" with the majority. Letter "Shaad" (Surah No.. 38) which has the initials "Shaad", containing the letter "Shaad" with the greatest proportion. This phenomenon is true for all the letters are the initials, except Surat Ya Sin (No. 36), which suggests the opposite, namely the letter "Yaa" and "Sin" has the lowest proportion. Based on these findings, at first he was only thinking to the extent of the initial findings in the Qur'an without attributing the frequency of appearance of the letters that exist on the initial letter with a general divisor (common denominator). Finally, in January 1974 (coinciding with Zul-Hijjah 1393), he found that the number 19 as the divisor in general [1] in insial-initials and the entire writing of the Qur'an, as well as a secret code of the Qur'an. This finding is remarkable because the entire text of the Quran is mathematically composed with such sophistication that is based on the number 19 on each element as a general divisor. Mathematical system has varying levels of complexity from the very simple (can be counted manually) to very complex computer program shall require to verify whether the multiple of 19. Thus, a mathematical system based on number 19 attached to the Koran can be appreciated not only by those who have the intelligence of computers and high-level mathematics, but also by people who can only do a simple calculation.

In addition to 19 as a secret code of the Qur'an itself, the discovery event number 19 as a "miracle" of the Qur'an can also be connected to the number 19 as the will of God. Mentioned above that the secret code discovered in 1393 Hijri. The Qur'an was first revealed in the 13 years before the Hijra (emigration Prophet). So the miracle of the Qur'an is found 1393 +13 = 1406 years (in a matter of Hijra) after the Qur'an was revealed, which coincided with the year 1974 AD

Chapter 74 is Surah Al Muddatsir which means people who berkemul (Al Quran and Terjemahnya, MORA) and can also mean secret tesembunyi, which does contain the secrets of God on the miracle of the Qur'an. In chapter 74 verse 30-36 states:

(74:30) On it are 19.

(74:31) And We made the keeper no hell but from the angels, and their numbers are not we make it (19) but rather to:

- Test / exam / test for disbelievers,

- To convince people who were given the Book (Christians and Jews),

- Strengthen (augment) the belief of the believers,

- Eliminating doubts in people who were given the Book and Al are also those who believe, and

- Show them who is in her store doubt, and unbelievers say: "What does God want this parable?" So God lets go astray those whom He will and gives guidance to whom He wills. And no one knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. And this is nothing but a warning for humans.

(74:32) Indeed, for months.

(74:33) And the night when it passed.

(74:34) And the morning (dawn) when getting light.

(74:35) Verily this (these numbers) is one of the great wonders.

(74:36) As a warning to mankind.

Most commentators interpret 19 as the number of angels. According to Dr. Rashad Khalifa, interpreting the number 19 as the number of angels is not appropriate because how could the number of angels can be used for examinations / tests for the unbelievers, to convince people Christians and Jews, to increase the faith of people who have faith and also to dispel doubts hesitations. So, exactly number 19 is a great miracle of the Qur'an in accordance with paragraph 35 above, according to Dr translation. Rashad Khalifa (and also translated several other translators). So in verse 35 the word "innahaa" refers to the word "'iddatun" in verse 31.

Why 19?

To answer that question, it should be explained about the number system. We certainly know very well that the Roman numeral system is still very well known today, as I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500 and M = 1000. Just as in the Roman numeral system, number system is also known in Arabic letters. Numbers are marked on each letter known as the "numerical value (numerical value or gematrical value)". Click this link to find out more about the numerical value.

After knowing the value of each letter arabic, we can answer why 19 is used as a secret code Allah in the Qur'an, and also can be used to reveal the wonders of the Qur'an. Here are some things that can be used to explain why 19.

* 19 is the numerical value of the word "Waahid" in Arabic which means 'one / one' (see Table 2) Table 2. The numerical value of the word "waahid"

* 19 is the first and the last positive numbers (1 and 9), which can be interpreted as The First and the Last, as Allah says, for example, in Sura 57 verse 3 as follows: "He is the First and the Last, The Zahir and The spiritual, and He knows all things "(Qur'an 57:3). The word "waahid" mentioned in the Qur'an 25 times, of which 6 are not referring to God (like one type of food, doors, etc.). The rest 19 times to refer to God. Total number of (letters + numbers the number of verses in each letter) while 19 said "waahid" in reference to God is 361 = 19 x 19. So 19 symbolizes the oneness of Allah (the One God).

* The first pillar of Islam which is also encoded by 19

"La - ilaha - Illa - God"

The numerical values ​​of each letter in the Arabic sentence above is the creed can be written as follows

"30 1-1 30 5-1 30 1-1 30 30 5"

If the arrangement of the figure written into a number, obtained = 30113051301130305 = 19 x ... or a number that has a multiple of 19. So it is clear that 19 refers to the oneness of God as the only One who shall be worshiped.

Some Examples of Evidence A Very Simple on Code 19

As explained earlier, the Qur'an designs based number 19, it can be proved from the calculations are very simple to very complex. Here is just a small part of the magic of Al Quran (system 19) which can be written in this brief article. The facts are very simple:

(1) Sentence Basmalah on (Sura 1:1) consists of 19 Arabic letters.

(2) Sura 1:1 was revealed to Muhammad after Surat 74 verse 30 which means "On it are 19".

(3) The Qur'an consists of 114 chapters, 19 × 6.

(4) The first verse down (Sura 96:1) consists of 19 letters.

(5) Surah 96 (Al Alaq) is placed on the last 19 of 114 chapters (suras counting backwards from 114), and consists of 19 verses

(6) The last letter that goes down to the Prophet Muhammad is the Surah An-Nasr or Surah 110 which consists of 3 verses. Surah last fall consisted of 19 words and the first verse consists of 19 letters.

(7) Sentence Basmalah totaled 114 (19 × 6). Although in Chapter 9 (At Tawbah) no Basmalah at the beginning of chapters so that the number Basmalah when viewed in the early chapters seem only 113, but in Surah 27 verse 30 there is extra Basmalah (and also 27 +30 = 57, or 19 x 3). Thus the number of fixed Basmalah 114.

(8) If the calculated amount of surah surah At Tauba (Sura 9) that do not have up to the Surah Basmalah containing 2 Basmalah the S 27, was found 19 chapters. And the total number of the sura of Sura 9 to Surah 27 is obtained (9 +10 +11 +26 + ... +27 = 342) or 19 × 18. Total number is (342) equal to the number of words between two sentences in its basmalah 27.

(9) In connection with the initial chapters, for example, there are two Surah that begins with the initials "Qaf" ie Surah 42 which has 53 verses and sura 50 which consists of 45 verses. The number of letters "Qaf" on each of the two letters is 57 or 19 x 3. If we add the sura and verse number is obtained, respectively (42 +53 = 95, or 19 x 5) and (50 +45 = 95, or 19 x 5). Furthermore, initial "Shaad" started three different chapters, namely Sura 7, 19, and 38. Total number of letters "Shaad" in the third sura is 152, or 19 x 8. The same goes for the other initials.

(10) The frequency of appearance of the four words in sentences Basmalah in the Qur'an in the verses which numbered a multiple of 19 (see Table 3)

Table 3: The four words in Basmalah and frequency of mention in the numbered verses in the Qur'an

No. The word frequency appears

1 Ism 19

2 God in 2698 (19 × 142)

3 Al-Rahman 57 (19 × 3)

4 Al-Raheem 114 (19 × 6)

(11) There are 14 different Arabic letters that make up 14 sets of initials on a few chapters in the Qur'an, and there are 29 chapters beginning with the initials (eg Alif-Lam-Mim). The sum of the numbers obtained 14 +14 +29 = 57, or 19 × 3.

(12) Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2 or Surah Al Baqarah) initials and last sura (Sura 68), there are 38 chapters that are not preceded by the initials, 38 = 19 × 2.

(13) Al-Faatihah is the first surah in the Qur'an, 1, and consists dri 7 paragraph, the opening sura (key) for us to relate to God in prayer. If we write the chapters in sequence number (No. 1) followed by the number of every verse in the sura, we get the number: 11234567. This number is a multiple of 19. This suggests that we read Al Faatihah was in order to worship Allah and Meng-Esakan.

Furthermore, if we write a number that is formed from the sura (1) followed by numbers that indicate the number of letters in each paragraph (see Table 4), obtained numbers: 119,171,211,191,843 which is also a multiple of 19.

Table 4: Number of letters in each verse in Surah Al Faatihah

(14) When we read Surah Al-Fatihah (in Arabic), the upper and lower lip will touch each other exactly 19 times. Both our lips will touch when pronouncing words that contain the letter "B or Ba '" and the letter "M or Meme". There is a 4 letter Ba 'and 15 letter Mim. The numerical value of 4 letter Ba 'is a 4 × 2 = 8, and the numerical value of 15 letters Meme is 15 × 40 = 600. Total numerical value of 4 letter Ba 'and 15 letter Meme is 608 = 19 × 32 (see Table 5).

Table 5. The words in Surah Al-Fatihah which mengandunghuruf Ba 'and Meme and their numerical values

Genesis The Universe Related to Numbers 19

Some of the other events in the natural world and also in our everyday life that refers to the number 19 is:

· It has been proven that the earth, sun and moon are in the same relative position every 19 years

· Halley's Comet visited our solar system once every 76 years (19 × 4).

· The fact that the human body has 209 bones or 19 × 11.

· Langman's medical Embryology, by T. W. Sadler which is a textbook in medical school in the United States obtained a statement "in general the full length of pregnancy is 280 days or 40 weeks after the last menstrual period, or more precisely 266 days or 38 weeks after conception." Numbers 266 and 38 are both multiples of 19 or 19 × 14 and 19 × 2.

Five Pillars of Islam (pillars of Islam) and the System 19

Islam is the religion brought by all the prophets from Abraham as the founding father of Islam (eg see Surah 2:67, 130-136; Surah 5:44, 111; Sura 3:52). Primary message conveyed by all the Prophets since Prophet Ibrahim to Prophet Muhammad is the same that the worship of the one God, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat and Hajj. God perfected Islam through Prophet Muhammad. So the practice of prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage have done and taught by the prophets from Abraham. Of the five pillars of Islam, it can be shown that all systems related to the number 19 (multiple of 19).

· Creed

Discussed above, that the first pillar of Islam "La ilaha Illa Allah" was designed based on number 19.

· Prayer

The word "blessings" which is the plural form of the word "prayer" appears in the Qur'an as much as 5 times. This shows that God's commandment to pray five times a day is encoded in the Qur'an. Furthermore, the number of cycles in the prayer coded with number 19. The number of cycles to prayer at dawn, midday, Asr, Maghrib and Isha are each 2,4,4,3, and 4 cycles. If the number of cycles is organized into a number of 24 434 is a number or a multiple of 19 (24 434 = 19 × 1286). 1286 digit numbers that add up will get 17 (1 +2 +8 +6) which is the number of cycles in a day of prayer. For Friday Prayers set number is 15, because the Friday Prayer only 2 cycles. This can also be attributed to the number 19 (multiple of 19). If we make the day last Friday, the number of cycles of prayer from Saturday to Friday in a sequence can be written as follows: 17 17 17 17 17 17 15. If we make the sequence numbers into one number 17171717171715, then the number is a number by a multiple of 19 or (19 x 903 774 587 985). So in essence prayer worship the One (remember: 19 is the total numerical value of the word 'waahid'). Surah Al-Fatiha is read in every rak'ahs in prayer as discussed earlier also referred to the number 19. Furthermore, the word "prayer" is mentioned in the Qur'an 67 times. If we add the number of letters and number of passages where the 67 word "Prayer" is mentioned, obtained a total of 4674 or 19 × 246.

· Fasting

Fasting commands in the Qur'an mentioned in the following verses:

- 2:183, 184, 185, 187, 196;

- 4:92; 5:89, 95;

- 33:35, 35, and

- 58:4.

The total number of such numbers is 1387, or 19 × 73. Please note that Sura 33:35 mentions the word fasting twice, one for men and one for the believers believing woman.

· The obligation of Zakat and Hajj to Mecca

While the first three pillars compulsory for all Muslim men and women, Zakat and Hajj are only required to those who are able. This explains the interesting mathematical phenomena related to Zakat and Hajj.

Zakat is mentioned in the Qur'an in the following verses:

The sum of the figures obtained in 2395. Total number is divisible by 19 is obtained if the remaining 1 (number is not a multiple of 19).

Haji is mentioned in the Qur'an in the verses

- 2:189, 196, 197;

- 9:3, and

- 22:27.

Total sum of the numbers obtained 645, and this number is not a multiple of 19, because if the number is divided by 19 minus 1.

Then if the word Zakat and Hajj combined total values ​​obtained 2395 +645 = 3040 = 19 × 160.


In general concluded that the Qur'an is mathematically designed. What was discussed above are only a fraction of the thousands of designs mathematical proof from the Qur'an and in particular about the number 19 as the design basis of the Qur'an that can be presented in this paper. In addition, this paper focuses only on the examples are very simple, while examples of very complex not presented here because it may be difficult to understand for people who do not have the background or do not understand the math. Numbers 19 that also means one God, and also means that there is no god but He, arguably the "Signature of God" in this universe. This is consistent with one of the word of God which states that all nature is subject to God and bow down and recognize the oneness of God. Only unbelievers who do not want to bow down and recognize the oneness of God. God created the universe and the Qur'an has been done perhirtungan in detail, such as the word of God which says, "and God is counting everything one by one (in detail)" (Qur'an 72:28). Sum of the numbers in the sura and verse!!!!! You scored 19 (7 +2 +2 +8 = 19). From the above discussion specifically about the five pillars of Islam are very firm conclusion that Muslims are the ones who surrender, and bow and acknowledge the unity of God as shown in the five pillars of Islam is related to the system of number 19 (the numerical value of the word "waahid "or Esa). It is also compatible with Islam itself that it can literally means surrender / submission. Another thing that can be taken as a lesson of the system design number 19 as the Qur'an is the insolubility "Unsolved problems" of the debate among the scholars of the status of "Basmalah" in Surah Al-Faatihah does include one verse in sura or not. With the discovery of number 19 as the design of the Qur'an, mathematical proofs in this paper has proven that the pronunciation "Basmalah" included in one verse of Surah Al-Fatihah. In closing, hopefully this article can add to the faith for those who believe, a test / exam for those who do not believe, and eliminate doubt to those whose hearts were seized with doubts of the truth of the Qur'an. God will let the misguided people who pleases and gives guidance to whom He pleases (Qur'an 74:31).

To verify the "mathematical miracle" of the Qur'an you will need to use the Qur'an printed by the print version of Saudi Arabia or the Middle East in general. Why? The results of the research I have done, there are many differences between the Qur'an printed version of Indonesia in general and the Qur'an printed version of Saudi Arabia (I happened to hold Qur'an printed version of Saudi Arabia), although these differences did not affect the meaning / significance. The difference is only in how to write a few words. Nevertheless, when referring to "Mathematical Magic" of the Qur'an, Qur'an printed version of Indonesia in general (compiled by Indonesia) violate rules original mathematical miracle does not appear so. I only give 2 examples of the words different words writing the word "shirootho" and "insaana". According to the printed version of Saudi Arabia, there is no letter "ALIF" between the letters "RO '" and "THO" in the word "SHIROOTHO" (see Sura Al Fatiha) and the letter "SIN" and "NUN" in the word "INSAANA" but according to the printed version of Indonesia in general there are letters in the second word ALIF. In the printed version of Saudi Arabia, to show the length of the sound readings ROO and SAA on SHIROOTHO and INSAANA word, use the "fathah upright". I understand, I mean people add ALIF in two words to make it easier for readers, but it deviates from the original. That is why you find many letters are more in Surat Al-Fatihah verse 6 and 7 of which I write. In addition, one of the print version of the Qur'an in Indonesia in general is located in Surat Al-Fatihah PAGE 2, while the print version of Saudi Arabia, Fatiha is on PAGE 1.
Regarding the number of words, the word should be defined as an arrangement of several letters (two hrurf or more), so you should treat "WA or WAU" although it could be interpreted as a letter with the word "AND" in Indonesian. Treatment "WA" (for example, the word "WATAWAA") can actually be equated with "BI" (the word Bismi), because it happened to be coupled with BI next word, while WA is not writable tandem with the word that follows it. So do not count "WA" as a word, but as the letter.

By: Ali Said

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