Saturday, January 5, 2013


Barus many keep important notes about the history of Islam in the archipelago. At least this is evident from the many archaeological sites are found in Barus, which is administratively a part of the region Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra. And not only that, in the Barus also found the tombs of Batak kings, forts and tombs Portuguese.
In Barus, who was once famous for its Barus Kingdom also find an old kingdom, the kingdom Lobu Old (Bandar Trading The termansyur), which is estimated to have been around 3000 years before Christ. Lobu old, located in District Andam Dewi was never investigated by French researchers (Ecole francaise d'Ectreme-Orient) in 1995. (Read: Know Barus After a Thousand Years Ago)
Even various sources estimate more than that, about 5000 years before Jesus was born. This last estimate is based on the findings of various preservatives mummy of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, where one material preserved using camphor or camphor. Barus chalk is supposedly the best quality and at the time it was only found around Barus.
Meanwhile, in the independence era historian, Professor Muhammad Yamin estimate of the spice trade, including camphor is made traders archipelago since 6000 last year to various parts of the world.
While a Greek wanderer, Claudius Ptolemy mentions, in addition to Greek merchants, merchant of Venice, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, and also passing the Barus to get spices. Meanwhile, based on the old archives India, Kathasaritsagara, circa 600 AD recorded the journey of a Brahmin looking for her until the Barus. Brahmins visit Keladvipa (allegedly coconut island of Sumatra) route Ketaha (Kedah and Malaysia), along the western coast to the limestone islands in Sanskrit called Karpurasuvarnadvipa (Barus).
In about AD 627-643 or the first year of the Hijra group of Arab traders entering the port or airport Barus. Among those carrying the name Wahab bin Qabishah who landed on the island in 627 AD Mursala There are also four caliphs envoy called Shaikh Ismail who stopped at around the year 634 AD Barus Since then, the Arabs who are Muslims established a colony in Barus. The Arabs named as the Barus Fansur or Fansuri, for example by the author Sulaiman at 851 M in his Silsilatus Chronicles.
Next Dynasty dynasty of Champa (Thailand) Barus conquering empire around 850 AD and named the colony as Kalasapura. After the conquest, in the port city Barus standing colonies consisting of many separate nations of natives. A century later, the Europeans find Barus.
Interestingly, based on historical records, the famous explorer Marco Polo set foot in the airport Barus in 1292 AD While the famous Muslim historian, Ibn Battuta, visiting Barus in 1345 AD Next sailors Barus Portuguese trade in the city in 1469 AD While traders from different parts of the world stop in Barus, such as Sri Lanka, Yemen, Persia, England and Spain.
Barus As door entry of Islam in the archipelago
A local historian, Dada Meuraksa, the seminar I "The entry of Islam in the archipelago" held in Medan in 1963 Barus believes Islam arrived in the first year of the Hijra. His view is based on the discovery of the gravestone Sheikh Rukunuddin in complex archaeological site "Mahligai" or that means the same as "small palace". The tomb complex is located Dakka Aek region, about 4 kilometers from the District Barus.
According to Dada Meuraksa, tombstones located in the tomb Mahligai it argues, Sheikh Rukunuddin died at the age of 100 years, 2 months, and 22 days in Hamim or hijaratun Prophet. Meuraksa translate ha - meme was 8-40 are then summed to 48 H. The calculation was based on the book of Falak Science Tajut Mutuk.
Interestingly, the seminar took place, the view is a debate Meuraksa by renowned scholars Sumatra time, chaplain HM Arsyad Talib Lubis. According to the founder of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah scholars, the evidence can not be used as a basis tombstone determination.
The difference in revenue was continued until a dozen years later. Only later in 1978, a number of archaeologists led by Prof. Dr. Hasan Muarif Ambary conduct research on various headstone tomb is in the vicinity of Barus, including the tomb of Sheikh Rukunuddin.
Archaeologists believe that Airlangga University Surabaya Islam had entered since I Hijri. It was based on the calculation of the first opinion by Dada strengthen Meuraksa supported a number of other historians.
In addition, the calculation of Islam in Barus was also supported by the findings of 44 tombstones known propagator of Islam or "Aulia 44" around Barus who reads Arabic and Persian. For example, Sheikh Mahmud tombstones in Board of Appeal, which was in the area Tompan, North Barus. The tomb is located diketinggian 200 meters above sea level it is still there. Some sources said the inscription on his tombstone can not be translated. That is because writing is a mix of ancient Persian alphabet with the Arabic alphabet.
That said, Sheikh Mahmud came from Hadramaut, Yemen, and is expected to come earlier than Sheikh Rukunuddin, namely the era of the first 10 years of preaching in Mecca the Prophet Muhammad. Estimated sheikh who was the prophet's relatives and friends, bringing Islam Tawheed without Sharia.
Final view mentions, Sheikh Mahmud whose tomb is located in the high board is the first Islamic propagator Barus, while 43 other scholars are followers and disciples.
According to sources encountered (during a visit in Barus and Singkil, South Aceh in late November 2011) states, the 43 tombs among Islamic scholars spreader, the tomb of Sheikh Rukunuddin, Sheikh Al Fansuri Abdurrauf Stone Agency or lord, lord Ambar, Mr. Head Edge , Mr. Sirampak, Mr. Tembang, Wood Manang lord, lord Machdum, Sheikh Ilyas Zainal Abidin, Sheikh Ahmad Khatib Sidik, and the tomb of Imam Mua'azhansyah. Furthermore, there is the tomb of Imam Chatib Miktibai, Pinago my lord, my lord Sultan Ibrahim bin Sultan Tuanku Muhammadsyah Chaniago, and the tomb of Lord Digaung.
The presence of Islam in Barus directly related to Islam in Aceh. This opinion isever made chaplain Djamaluddin Coal (deceased), a local historian and some communities in Barus found ustad master Djamaluddin very grave historical archaeological sites "Aulia 44" is.
Meanwhile, some ancient records show the presence of three Islamic scholars who connect Barus and Aceh. For example, the presence of famous scholars Shaykh Hamza Fansuri (too bad when visiting Singkil, the author has not been able to visit his grave, which according to some sources in the area Singkil Runding, still in wliayah Aceh) and Sheikh Shamsuddin as Sumatrani. However, their religious ideas at odds with Sheikh Abdul Rauf As Singkil (whose tomb is in Singkil, South Aceh.
Many Islamic historians believe, that the two previous scholars that live and propagate their respective ideologies in the region Barus. It was only after they came under attack Wujudiah understanding of Sheik Abdul Rauf Singkil not recognized by the Islamic Kingdom Pasai Ocean, Aceh.
Current Conditions Site Pubakala in Barus
There are a concern for visiting the tombs of Aulia in the Barus. Some existing tomb archaeological site condition requiring special attention. Suppose Kinali grave sites in the area. Kinali village in the region, the authors found two tomb archaeological site in appalling conditions.
Tuanku Pinago ancient burial site or Shaykh Ratif (according to local information), whose tomb is located on the river bank that the condition is quite alarming. In addition to untreated, bushes growing wild around the tomb area covered grave. Meanwhile, around the ancient burial site was not built the tomb of archaeological site information. Very different from other ancient grave sites, such as the tomb of Mahmud Syehk, lord Machdum and Mahligai tomb complex.
Meanwhile, my lord Kinali grave site, a short distance away from the tomb Pinago lord is not much different conditions. The author found the ancient burial site has been mingled with the tombs of the general public.
The access road to the cemetery two archaeological sites in this Kinali be improved, of course, by doing paving. That will facilitate anyone who will visit this ancient site.
In Coral Island, a distance of about half a mile from the west coast of Sumatra (Barus), there is an ancient grave site is blocked by bushes. So difficult for people who are first-time visitors.
Apart from the information gathered, the Barus with various historical sites Purbakalanya diversity is one of the pride of the history of the archipelago is invaluable and should remain preserved until whenever. Just as we preserve archaeological sites that have been there, namely Borobudur, Prambanan, Walisongo tombs and other archaeological sites in the land of the archipelago.
Prof Dr. Vanessa Hudgens (Presidential Advisory Council Member-Watimpres Representatives Education and Culture) during a visit to Barus, Central Tapanuli, Friday (18/11/2011) argued, archaeological sites in Barus can be national pride. Professor at the University of Bung Hatta, Padang is also confirmed, Barus who has a wealth of both the culture and attraction must be maintained and preserved.
"Write something about this Barus Barus as part of national pride, as well as our Self, national identity because it shows that the old civilization of Indonesia may also forgotten people. It might even be able to answer whether the Marine was also here. We always think of eastern Indonesia, but perhaps here also there, "he said.
The wife of economist Prof Dr Sri Edi Swasono also suggested that Barus feasible to set up museum. And the actual museum building plans will have long established. Author's knowledge creation museum committee was formed about three years ago. Unfortunately, when I was in the area for 9 days Barus, the location of the new museum is only visible foundations.
Hopefully the writing is still very "poor" with this data can add insight. It is so much of civilization and prosperity of the archipelago in the past. So that there is no reason for us not to be proud of the archipelago.

sources of support:

The Chronicles of "masuknya Islam ke bandar Barus", North Sumatra by Dada Meuraxa, 1973

Books Bunga Nauli Sibolga Tapian Rampa - Indonesia Published Tapian Nauli seven Sekawan 1995

Early History of Old Books Labo Barus, Obor Indonesia, 2002

Chronicles of the Kings of Barus; Two Scrolls Of Barus, utam Scholastic Press, 2003

Nauli Magazine Bases

Author: Rusman-Director of Corporate Global Future Institute (The Global Review)

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