Saturday, January 5, 2013


Internal divisions Muslim rulers plus barrage of various European royal make Moorish rule in Spain shaky.Nation's Moor is called for Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula who ruled Spain between 711 AD to 1492. Islamic leader who achieved the first time Spain was Abd al-Rahman.The Christians in the Iberian Peninsula began to use the term 'Moor' exclusively for Muslims. Moor is a word that refers to people who are from Morocco. This is because the first Muslims arrived in Spain in 711 an Arab from North Africa. Besides Moor, words such as' Moriscos' and `Mudejares' is used for designation of the Moors in the mid-13th century.
The Moors lived in Andalusia, Spain, which in the early period of history, including the area of ​​Portugal and southern France. In 732 AD Ramadan, Muslims were defeated at Tours-Poitiers, France, known as "The Pavement of the Martyrs" or in Arabic "Balaat asSyuhad" meaning land of the martyrs. As a result of the defeat of the Moors army troops Karel Martel (Charlemagne), the control of the Muslims in the region of Toulouse, Narbonne, Lyon, southern France and the other vanished until 975 AD After France failed to master, Muslims in Spain focusing on Andalusia, southern Spain, to build a civilization.
Andalusia comes from the Arabic 'Al-Andalus', which has several meanings.One meaning is "to be green after a long summer or drought", and the history of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries when Muslims ruled Spain prove it. In addition to developing Andalusia, the Moors created a beautiful range of luxurious palaces.One of the most famous in the Alhambra, Granada.Alhambra palace was built in 1238 by Sultan Muhammad ibn al-Ahmar.
In Spain, the Nation of Moorish married to different nationalities, including Spanish-Muslim population and rule with wisdom and justice. Christians and Jews are treated with tolerance so that some of them many who occupy important positions in government, and even some who eventually converted to Islam. They were allowed to work, serving soldiers, manage the land, and even practicing their religion.
Under the rule of the Moors, the Spanish economy to prosper.They also promote trade and agriculture, developing art, a valuable contribution to science, and made Cordoba as the most advanced in Europe.In two decades, the majority of Andalus, especially the majority of Christians, accept Islam as a recognition of security, peace, and freedom of religion and expression under Muslim rule.
During the reign of Abdur-Rahman (755-788) of the Moors began to build Islamic civilization as already developed in Damascus and Baghdad. The place to stay caliph, Madinat al-Zahra, a palace complex made of marble, cement, ivory, and onyx.Madinat al-Zahra was built for 40 years at a cost of one-third of the income of Cordoba, one of the wonders of the world at that time.
In the 10th century, the population of Cordoba reached 500 thousand. Historically, the city had 700 mosques, 60 thousand palaces, and 70 libraries that hold more than 500 thousand manuscripts.Cordoba also had some 900 public baths and streets decorated with lights, the first city in Europe to have street lights.
For nearly eight centuries under the rule of the Moors in Spain are examples of civilized nations.Fertility of the soil makes agriculture very productive, plus the engineering skills of the conquerors. Cities appear countless. In Cordoba are all beauty andornaments that delight the eye. Pearl necklace and a beautiful dress into art and industry.Art, literature, and science developed pesatnya.Matematika, astronomy, botany, history, fil safat, and legal sciences that developed in Spain.
In addition, kecermerlangan Granada transmit light of knowledge to all corners of Europe to inspire the spirit of knowledge.At a time when many European kings could not read or write, a Moorish sultan had a personal library of six hundred thousand books. At the moment 99 per cent of Europeans are illiterate, City Moor of Cordoba had 800 public schools.There is not a village within the limits kesultananan Moor, except having educational services that can be enjoyed by the children of the poorest farmers. It's hard to find a farmer who can not read Moor.
Moors in Spain began to weaken due to internal strife and attacks from the Christian kingdoms unrelenting.Little by little, the power of the Moors from Spain began declining North. As a result, millions of the Moors left Spain carrying their belongings.Meanwhile, European kings retake Toledo, Cordoba, and Seville. In the 11th century, the Spanish Christian resistance began to grow, and under Alfonso VI Christian forces take back Toledo. .
Faced with opposition Christian kingdoms, the Muslim rulers in Spain for help Almoravids, a Berber tribal dynasty in North Africa to come to their aid. Troops Almoravids came and managed to destroy the Christian rebellion in Spain.However, in 1147 the Almoravids defeated by another coalition of Berber tribes, the Almohads Dynasty.
In 1482, Moorish Islamic empire was split and await death. Finally, on January 2, 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella finally fly the flag of Christian Spain above the Alhambra. L8 In December 1499, about 3,000 Moor was baptized by Cardinal Ximenes and a leading mosque in Granada converted into a church. Thousands of books were the works of the Moors destroyed by Ximenes, except for books on medicine. In 1500, in a big mosque, where women and children flee, all books in Arabic, especially the Qur'an, gathered to burn. Ximenes had burned more than 1,005,000 volumes Moor cultural work.
Strength Symbol Andalusia
When the 90-year reign of the Umayyads fell in 132 H, Abdurrahman bin Muawiyah also known as Abdurrahman al-Dakhel, escaped from the clutches of Bani Abbas to Morocco, North Africa. After that, he took advantage of the conflict in Spain and the dispute between Arab tribes.
With bantauan supporters Umayyads and Yemeni tribes, Abdurrahman al-Dakhel successfully entered the City of Andalusia, Spain, together with his entourage coming from North Africa. By mastering Qurtuba City (Cordoba), resilient Abdurrahman form a government with the name of the Umayyad government Andalus as the successor to Power Umayyads in Damascus were razed by the Abbasid dynasty.They also got called 'Moor' by the local Spanish community.
After that, Abdurrahman III calls himself the caliph. He then ordered the construction of City of Madinat al-Zahra in ideology and political program. Madinat al-Zahra was built 13 kilometers Northwest Cordoba, Spain, with a length of 1.52 kilometers and a width of 745 meters. Madinat al-Zahra Complex is divided into three sections.The main part is the caliphs palace called Dar al-Mulk. Then, in the middle of the standing government buildings and reception hall for important guests. Between the middle of the end stands a mosque.
To build the Madinat al-Zahra, Abd al-Rahman III uses a quarter of all admissions three countries for the development of the city. Construction of Medina al-Zahra spent 40 years. About 25 years under the reign of Abdul Rahman III (in 936 to 961) and 15 years under alHakam II (years 961 to 976). It can be said, Madinat Alzahra project is building the largest and most ambitious of the time.
In 1010, Madinat al-Zahra was not destroyed when groups Berber rebels ransacked the Cordoba Caliphate symbol. Until the 12th century, the Medina al-Zahra is still inhabited. Construction of Madinat al-Zahra by Abdurrahman III gives an important message to the government's rivals, such as Fathimiyah dynasty in Egypt and the Abbasids in Baghdad. In the 19th century, the ruins of Madinat al-Zahra was found in the west of Cordoba. Now, items and relics of the Umayyad city in Spain is kept in a museum near Cordoba.

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